1. My new watch . . . . (keep time/accurately)

Berikut ini adalah pertanyaan dari dmtram pada mata pelajaran B. inggris untuk jenjang Sekolah Menengah Pertama

1. My new watch . . . . (keep time/accurately) than my old watch.2. My phone . . . (ring/loud) than your phone.

3. Diva . . . (shop/frequently) than Lori.

4. Brad . . . .(type/quicky) than Lynn.

5. Danny climbs . . . . (quick) of all of us.

6. That company has . . . (good) guides.

7. Climbing Mount Everest in a snowstorm is one of . . . (stupid) thing you can do. It’s extremely dangerous!

8. Trash is one of . . . (bad) problem on Mount Everest now.

9. Ted was . . . . (experienced) climber on the expedition.

10. Many climbers consider K2, a mountain between Pakistan and China, to be . . . . (difficult) mountain to climb, not Mount Everest.

tolong ya, Terima kasih
jangan ngasal​

Jawaban dan Penjelasan

Berikut ini adalah pilihan jawaban terbaik dari pertanyaan diatas.


1. Keeps Time Accurately

2. Rings loudly

3. shopped frequently

4. type more quickly

5. quicker

6. some good

7. the stupid

8. the bad

9. an experienced

10. a more difficult


Keeps Time Accurately : Menjaga Waktu Secara Akurat

Rings loudly : Berdering keras

Shopped frequently : sering berbelanja

Type more quickly : mengetik lebih cepat

Quicker : lebih cepat

Some good : beberapa petunjuk baik

The stupid : Yang bodoh

The bad : buruk

An experienced : berpengalaman

A more difficult : lebih sulit

maaf klo salah semoga membantu yaa

tolong jadikan jawaban tercerdas, gk maksa kok :)

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Last Update: Sun, 24 Jul 22