Soal ke 44 sisa waktu : 110 menit one holiday, vandra visited

Berikut ini adalah pertanyaan dari lamriano5958 pada mata pelajaran B. inggris untuk jenjang Sekolah Menengah Pertama

Soal ke 44sisa waktu : 110 menit
one holiday, vandra visited his aunt in a village. it was his first experience of traveling by train, but he enjoyed it. he arrived at the railway station at 3 p.m. his uncle’s house was not far from the railways station, so he decided to go there by horse cart.
vandra stopped a horse cart. to his surprise, the rider was a woman. she was dark skinned and looked strong. along the journey, they had a chit-chat. the rider told him about her life. she is a wife with three children. she was simple, but had a great dream. she wanted her children to be successful. as a mother, she was willing to work hard for her children’s education. she never gave up. she belived that her hard work would be paid off.
vandra was amazed at the horse cart rider’s story. what a great woman.
what kind of text above?

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A text about Vandra's Holiday

maaf klo salah:-P

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Last Update: Tue, 21 Jun 22