Task 9 Rewrite the sentences by using the words given!

Berikut ini adalah pertanyaan dari pratiwierlita511 pada mata pelajaran B. inggris untuk jenjang Sekolah Menengah Pertama

Task 9Rewrite the sentences by using the words given!
1. They have never been in this situaticn before (time)
2. I started living in this house twenty years ago (for) this situation. It twenty years. the year 2013 to the movies.
3 "s the first iime they have travelled abroad (never) They
4. I started working for Google in the year 2018 (since) 1
5. She has never invited me to the movies before (time) It
6. I have worked in this office for a few days (ago) 1
7. I have never heard this song before (time) it
8. It is the first time she has told me about her family (never) She ......
9. We have never been to an American restaurant before (time) 10. I have worked in this office for a few days (started)​

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Last Update: Mon, 16 May 22