untuk soalnya bisaa dipisahkan sendiri ya kak tollong bantuannya D

Berikut ini adalah pertanyaan dari morenopattosyaghofa pada mata pelajaran B. inggris untuk jenjang Sekolah Menengah Pertama

Untuk soalnya bisaa dipisahkan sendiri ya kak tollong bantuannyaD Simple Present Tense a. Study the following explanation! The simple present tense is one of several forms of the present tense in English. It is used to describe habits, unchanging situations, general truths, and fixed arrangements. We use the simple present tense in the following conditions: 1. To show a fact or something that is always true. The form of simple present tense, as follows. For example: 1. Positive Sentence a. The sun rises from the east and sets in the S + Verb-1 (s/es) / To be is, am, are) + O west. For example: b. Water boils at 100 degrees Celcius. He drinks tea at breakfast. 2. For activities that are done daily-regularly or b. He is a student. habitually. For example: 2. Negative Sentence Farid eats three times a day. S + Don't/ Doesn't + Verb-1 + O b. I always wake up at five o'clock. S + To be is, am, are) + not + O 3. To express thoughts, feelings, opinions, and For example: beliefs. They don't play soccer in the afternoon. b. She is not a doctor. For example: a. My mother loves cooking very much. 3. Interrogative Sentence b. We agree with the speaker's opinion. Do / Does + S + Verb-1 + O 4. For an action or event that is planned to happen To be is, am, are) + S + O in the future, For example: For example: a. Does she study after having dinner? a. My father arrives from Bali at 9 a.m. b. Is he a teacher? b. The flag ceremony starts at seven. a.​

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yang soalnya yang mana kak

susah buat misahinnya kak

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Last Update: Tue, 07 Jun 22