task 1complete the blanks with suitable verb

Berikut ini adalah pertanyaan dari aldantriw pada mata pelajaran B. inggris untuk jenjang Sekolah Menengah Pertama

Task 1complete the blanks with suitable verb "be"
1. dila :are you football players
playera: yes. we... we... football player.
2. Rista :... they from Germany?
Lita. :...no, they... they
... from italy
3. Alvin : are they Chinese?
fira : yes, they... they... Chinese.
4.yuda :...you Brazilian?
tourists :no, we... we... Argentinean
5.fahri :... ditto and sits twins?
sari. :yes, they... they... twins.

Jawaban dan Penjelasan

Berikut ini adalah pilihan jawaban terbaik dari pertanyaan diatas.


1. Dila: "Are you football players?"

Players: "Yes, we are. We are football players."

2. Rista: "Are they from Germany?"

Lita: "No they are not. They are from Italy."

3. Alvin: "Are they Chinese?"

Fira: "Yes, they are. They are Chinese."

4. Yuda: "Are you Brazilian?"

Tourists: "No, we are not. We are Argentinian.:

5. Fahri: "Are Ditto and Sits twins?"

Sari: "Yes, they are. They are twins."


Auxiliary Verb: Be

Auxiliary Verb Be atau biasa disebut 'to be' yaitu verb yang menunjukkan karakteristik atau aksi yang berjalan (Continuous Tense). Aux Verb Be Present ada 3: Am, are, dan is.

Am untuk I.

Are untuk you, we, dan they.

Is untuk he, she, dan it.

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Last Update: Wed, 16 Nov 22