ISI DENGAN TO BE 1 1. He _____ an apple

Berikut ini adalah pertanyaan dari egii21032008 pada mata pelajaran B. inggris untuk jenjang Sekolah Menengah Pertama

ISI DENGAN TO BE 11. He _____ an apple every day.
2. He _____ in the park every weekend.
3. You _____ in the pool.
4. She _____ every day.
5. They _____ football in the park.
6. It _____ in the tree.
7. I _____ on Mondays.
8. We _____ breakfast in the morning.
9. I _____ the UAE.
10. It _____ in the ocean.

kelas: 9/IX​

Jawaban dan Penjelasan

Berikut ini adalah pilihan jawaban terbaik dari pertanyaan diatas.

1. He is an apple every day.

2. He is in the park every weekend.

3. You are in the pool.

4. She is every day.

5. They are football in the park.

6. It is in the tree.

7. I am on Mondays.

8. We are breakfast in the morning.

9. I am the UAE.

10. It is in the ocean.


1. He is an apple every day. 2. He is in the park every weekend. 3. You are in the pool. 4. She is every day. 5. They are football in the park. 6. It is in the tree. 7. I am on Mondays. 8. We are breakfast in the morning. 9. I am the UAE. 10. It is in the ocean. #SemogaMembantu

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Last Update: Sun, 18 Jun 23