Make passive sentences based on the pictures. Read your sentences

Berikut ini adalah pertanyaan dari matakau098 pada mata pelajaran B. inggris untuk jenjang Sekolah Menengah Pertama

Make passive sentences based on the pictures. Read your sentences alound. Number 1 is an example.1. (kick - the player)
You say:
The ball is kicked by the player.

2. (blow - referee)
You say:

3. (plant - my mother)
You say:

4. (drink - Risang)
You say:

5. (pack - My Father)
You say:

6. (wear - David)
You say:

7. (drive - Mr. Doddy)
You say:

8. (build - Mr. Jono)
You say:

Make passive sentences based on the pictures. Read your sentences alound. Number 1 is an example.1. (kick - the player)You say:The ball is kicked by the player.2. (blow - referee)You say:..................3. (plant - my mother)You say:..................4. (drink - Risang)You say:..................5. (pack - My Father)You say:..................6. (wear - David)You say:..................7. (drive - Mr. Doddy)You say:..................8. (build - Mr. Jono)You say:..................​

Jawaban dan Penjelasan

Berikut ini adalah pilihan jawaban terbaik dari pertanyaan diatas.

2. the whistle is blown by the referee

3. plants grown by my mother

4. drink taken by Risang

5. pack opened by my father

6. shoes worn by David

7. car driven by mr. Doddy

8. The house was built by Mr.jono

penjelelasan: Sebenarnya saya tidak bisa bahasa inggris,tapi saya mengerti cara mengerjakannya.

maaf kalau salah kata

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Last Update: Mon, 31 Jul 23