Text 1 Leopard geckos are interesting and charismatic looking little

Berikut ini adalah pertanyaan dari anggisrinandini pada mata pelajaran B. inggris untuk jenjang Sekolah Menengah Pertama

Text 1Leopard geckos are interesting and charismatic looking little creatures. Leopard geckos are native to southern Asia, northern India, portions of Iran, Pakistan, and Afghanistan. They live in dry deserts and grasslands. These habitats usually have rocky terrain and harsh temperature extremes. They are also commonly found as pets in households worldwide. These reptiles are relatively small, but grow larger than most gecko species. They can be up to 11 inches long and weigh nearly 3 pounds. Males tend to be larger than females and can be longer than their female counterparts. In captivity, a wide range of colors and patterns have been bred, but in the wild, their color is much more demur. Wild leopard geckos are relatively dark, with somewhat of a dappled pattern. Leopard gecko These animals feed on small creatures, such as crickets, worms, roaches, moths, spiders, and a variety of other insects and invertebrates. Extra fat is stored in the tail so that they can survive periods of dormancy and times when food is scarce.

Text 2
I have a leopard gecko as a pet. I named it Leo. I got it from my cousin three years ago. She also keeps several leopard geckos as her pet. Its body is yellow and spotted with black dots. It has a fat tail with gray and black dappled pattern. It likes licking its eyeballs to clean and moisturize its eyes because it does not have eyelids. I made a house for it. It is a box with sand in it. Its house is long because it likes spending its time at the ground. It doesn't really like climbing. It occasionally hides under the sand. I always feed it with insects. Its favorite insect is cricket. It is tame and enjoys to be handled. I play with it in my spare time. either stores performs ow blood, prod: storing ene and destrow There and affecti causes of Adopted from O Listen a Soi capable differen are mar Th (5) water For ex soil th

Questions :
text 1
1. what is the text about?
2. what is the purpose of the text?
3. what does paragraph one tells about?
4. what does paragraph two tells about?
5. what does paragraph three tells about?

text 2
1. what is the text about?
2. what is the purpose of the text?
3. what does paragraph one tells about?
4. what does paragraph two tells about?
5. what does paragraph three tells about? ​

Jawaban dan Penjelasan

Berikut ini adalah pilihan jawaban terbaik dari pertanyaan diatas.


Text 1

1.the characteristics of the leopard and its origin

2 to tell the reader about leopards

3leopard is an interesting and charismatic animal

4Leopards can be found in northern Asia, southern India, Iran and Pakistan

5.they live on dry land or in deserts and grassy places

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Last Update: Wed, 07 Jun 23