Once upon a time, there was

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Once upon a time, there was a young man called Ma Liang. He was poor. He help a rich bad man to tend cattle. He liked draw- ing and drew pictures everywhere. One night, he dreamed that an old man gave him a magic paintbrush and asked him to use it to help poor people. When he woke up, he found the magic paintbrush in his desk.From that day on, he used the paintbrush to help people. Whenever he drew pictures. they became real. But a few days later, his master heard about the magic paintbrush and stole it. He drew a lot of pictures, but they could not become real. He was very angry and asked some people to get Ma Liang.
When Ma Liang came, he said to him, "If you draw some pictures for me and turn them to life, I will set you free." The young man said, "I can help you, but you should obey your words. The bad man felt very happy and said, "I want a golden mountain. I will go there to gather gold." The young man drew a sea first. Then the young man drew a golden mountain which far away from the sea. After that he drew a big ship. The bad man jumped into the ship. When the ship sailed to the middle of the sea, the young man drew a large wave and it destroyed the ship. After that, the young man lived with his family happily and kept on helping the poor people. So the magic paintbrush was known by everyone.

11. What is the best title for the text above?
a. A good painter and a greedy king.
b. A magic paintbrush and the bad man. c. A clever painter and a wise king.
d. A young man and his king.

12. How was Ma Liang like?
a. He was smart and helpful.
b. He was smart but greedy.
c. He was clever but cunning.
d. He was humble and helpful.

13. What happened to the bad man?
a. He was drown.
b. He became rich.
c. He lived happily.
d. He kept the magic paintbrush.

14. "From that day on, *he* used the paintbrush to help people".
The bold typed word refers to....
a. the king
b. the bad man
c. Ma liang
d. one of the poor people

15. " He liked drawing and *drew* pictures everywhere".
The bold typed word is closed meaning to....
a. wrote
b. painted
c. built
d. arranged


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Last Update: Wed, 26 Apr 23