Hello, my name is Tino. I'm the student of the

Berikut ini adalah pertanyaan dari GHeannd pada mata pelajaran B. inggris untuk jenjang Sekolah Menengah Pertama

Hello, my name is Tino. I'm the student of the fifth grade. I want to tell you about my classroom. There are many things in my classroom, those are tables, whiteboard, globe, wall clock, calendar, few drawings, and dustbin. I would like to describe the shape of each thing in my classroom. Here we go! The tables, whiteboard, calendar, and the drawings are rectangle. They are rectangular. The shape of the globe is sphere. It is spherical. The wall clock is circle. It is circular. The dustbin is like a cuboid. It is cuboidal.Tolong jawabpin yaaaa!

1. What does Tino tell about?

2. What would Tino like to describe?

3. What is the shape of the whiteboard?

4. Is the globe round?

5. What are the things that are rectangle?

Jawaban dan Penjelasan

Berikut ini adalah pilihan jawaban terbaik dari pertanyaan diatas.


1. What does Tino tell about?

Answer: Tino tells about his class

2. What would Tino like to describe?

Answer: Tino wanted to describe the shape of every object in his class

3. What is the shape of the whiteboard?

Answer: the blackboard has a rectangular shape

4. Is the globe round?

Answer: yes

5. What are the things that are rectangle?

Answer : objects that have a rectangular shape, namely tables, blackboards, calendars, and pictures


Semoga membantu:)

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Last Update: Fri, 07 Jul 23