Ambita:Hello, Pandhi. Are you buying a new hand phone too?

Berikut ini adalah pertanyaan dari joffa1888 pada mata pelajaran B. inggris untuk jenjang Sekolah Menengah Pertama

Ambita:Hello, Pandhi. Are you buying a new hand phone too?Pandhi: Hi, Ambita. Yes, I am. You know that I couldn't send the assignments since yesterday like you.
Ambita: I see. What kind of hand phone are you choosing?
Pandhi: Like this. It has many features and good camera. What do you think about it? Ambita: It's good.
8. From the dialog, we can infer that.... A. Ambita and Pandi are going to the hand phone shop together.
B. Pandi's old hand phone has many features and good camera.
C. Pandhi and Ambita's hand phones are broken.
D. Pandhi is sending his assignments to Ambita.

9. What are likely Ambita and Pandhi?
A. They are friends.
B. They are students.
C. They are customers.
D. They are classmates.

10. The sentence "It has many features and good camera" in the dialog means ... A. The hand phone is complicated.
B. The hand phone is advanced.
C. The hand phone is simple.
D. The hand phone is old.

tolong jawab iya​

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8. C. Pandhi and Ambita's hand phones are broken.

9. D. They are classmates.

10. B. The hand phone is advanced.


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Last Update: Fri, 12 May 23