+ Complete the text with the words provided in the

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+ Complete the text with the words provided in the box!How to Send an Email

E-mail is by far the most... (1) service on the Internet. Sending... (2) is a snap. Just follow these simp (3). Although this example uses Microsoft Outlook, most e-mail programs work the same way.

(4), Open your e-mail program and launch a new message window by ... (5) on the appropriate ico In the TO box.... (6) the name of the recipient. It should take this form: [email protected] Ma sure you enter the address... (7) or the message will return to you. You can send a message to more th one person by entering... (8) addresses. Just put a semicolon () between each address. You can also send copy (cc) and a blind copy (Bcc.) to multiple addresses. After that, type the... (9) of the e-mail. Next, w your... (10) in the message window. You can also copy text from a word processing program and past into the window. Finally, click the Send icon or select Send from the File menu and off it goes.

a. subject b. First



d. popular

e. message f. multiple

g h.

steps clicking

Taken from: visitginazone.blogspot.

i correctly j. messages

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plossssssssbagi poin.........


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Last Update: Wed, 15 Feb 23