1. Do you know how to buy things in online

Berikut ini adalah pertanyaan dari karangasik7 pada mata pelajaran B. inggris untuk jenjang Sekolah Menengah Pertama

1. Do you know how to buy things in online market?2. How to pay for the products that we buy?
3. How to get the original products from the online market?
4. is it safe to buy product from online market?
5. How to make an order in online market?
6. How to make complaints if we find something wrong with the product?
7. How to get free delivery cost for our transaction?
8. How to see people's reviews about this product?
9. can we get the discount for this product?
10. is there any additional costs in online shopping?​

Jawaban dan Penjelasan

Berikut ini adalah pilihan jawaban terbaik dari pertanyaan diatas.

1. Do you know how to buy goods in the online market?

= yes i know

2. How to pay for the products we buy?

= via bank transfer or you can also pay via Alfamart

3. How to get genuine products from online market?

=view thumbnails, reviews, and product twigs

4. Is it safe to buy products from online marketplaces?

= safe, if we do not share personal data

5. How to place an order in the online marketplace?

= select the product to be purchased then click message fill in the address and make payment by choosing to pay through what

6. How to make a complaint if we find something wrong with the product?

= you can complain in reviews or chat with product sellers so that the product is exchanged for a new product

7. How do I get free shipping for our transactions?

= collect free shipping vouchers or buy in special months like 11.11 or 12.12

8. How do I see people's reviews about this product?

= look on the internet or it can be in product reviews

9. Can we get a discount for this product?

= yes, if we collect discount vouchers from certain events or special months

10. Are there any additional fees for online shopping?

=there is

maaf kalo jawabannya kurang tepat karena saya masih pemula:)

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Last Update: Wed, 07 Dec 22