1. The teacher... the material so clear. a. taught c.

Berikut ini adalah pertanyaan dari nailahhayati07 pada mata pelajaran B. inggris untuk jenjang Sekolah Menengah Pertama

1. The teacher... the material so clear.a. taught c. teaches
b. teaching d. teach
2. My sister... to Central Java last year. But, they... visit Karanganyar.
a. went; weren't c. go; didn't
b. go; wasn't d. went; didn't
The following text is for questions 3 and 4. Hi, I'm Fabian. I want to tell about my great experience. Last month. I won a contest for a tour to Barcelona, Spain. It was a short tour, but I extremely pleased with it. I had unforgettable experience there especially when we visited the Camp Nou to watch the Barcelona football players practicing. I saw one of my favourite football players. Then, our tour guide informed that we could meet the football players to take photo and autograph. I grabbed my pen and rushed to my favourite football player. He was surrounded by his fans. But it didn't alleviate my plan to get his autograph. After a while. I finally got to be close with my favourite football player. I asked him to take a picture with me and gave his autograph on my jersey. It was unbelievable and I almost wept because I was too excited about it. After that, we had lunch in a restaurant. The Spanish foods were very delicious. The next morning, after breakfast, we went to airport, and then flew to Indonesia.
3. When did Fabian win a contest?
a. Last month
b. Last week
c. Last Sunday
d. Last year
4. "I saw one of my favourite...." The synonym of the underlined is.... HOTS
a. looked c. brought
b. got d. gave
5. The athlete practiced badminton regularly to prepare his competition... HOTS a. today b. everday c. last year d. now
6. Dellia... a butterfly... week.
a. catches; last
b. catch; ago
c. caught, last
d. catched; ago

Jawaban dan Penjelasan

Berikut ini adalah pilihan jawaban terbaik dari pertanyaan diatas.

1. c. teaches

2. d. went; didn't

3. a. last month

4. a. looked

5. b. everyday

6. c. caught; last

semoga membantu ^^

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Last Update: Wed, 26 Jul 23