11. The dialogue is about....a. class schedule b. dally activitiesc.

Berikut ini adalah pertanyaan dari almira211209 pada mata pelajaran B. inggris untuk jenjang Sekolah Menengah Pertama

11. The dialogue is about....a. class schedule
b. dally activities
c. Linda's habit
d.study tips

12. Which one is not the tips based on the dialogue?
a. Having the same study time each day.
b. Making a track for all of the homeworks and assignments.
c. asking to Friends or teacher during the exam
d. writing down the questions we don't understand on a note

13. Which of the followings is the expression of asking for permission in the dialogue?

a.Can you give me some tips?
b. Do you always study at the same time each day?
c. That's a good start.
d. Can we study together sometimes?

14. From the dialogue, we know that....
a.Linda is asking for permission to Romi to study together
b. Linda is accepting Romi's permission to study together
c. Linda is a teacher
d. Romi is giving Linda study tips

15. "Then, just MOVE ON to the rest of your material." The underlined word is similar in meaning with ....
a. turn back
b.begin again
c. go ahead
d. hang on

11. The dialogue is about....a. class schedule b. dally activitiesc. Linda's habitd.study tips12. Which one is not the tips based on the dialogue? a. Having the same study time each day.b. Making a track for all of the homeworks and assignments.c. asking to Friends or teacher during the examd. writing down the questions we don't understand on a note13. Which of the followings is the expression of asking for permission in the dialogue?a.Can you give me some tips? b. Do you always study at the same time each day?c. That's a good start.d. Can we study together sometimes?14. From the dialogue, we know that....a.Linda is asking for permission to Romi to study togetherb. Linda is accepting Romi's permission to study together c. Linda is a teacherd. Romi is giving Linda study tips15.

Jawaban dan Penjelasan

Berikut ini adalah pilihan jawaban terbaik dari pertanyaan diatas.


11. d. Study tips

12. c.asking to friends or teachers during the exam

13. d. Can we study sometimes?

14. d. Romi is giving Linda study tips

15. c. Go ahead


Mohon maaf kalau salah!

Sorry if the answers are wrong!

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Last Update: Sat, 12 Aug 23