plis ini aku minta tolong bgt ga ngerti aku... btw

Berikut ini adalah pertanyaan dari hanaaamirahizzayani pada mata pelajaran B. inggris untuk jenjang Sekolah Menengah Pertama

Plis ini aku minta tolong bgt ga ngerti aku... btw lagu nya "i have a dream" dari Westlife ​
plis ini aku minta tolong bgt ga ngerti aku... btw lagu nya

Jawaban dan Penjelasan

Berikut ini adalah pilihan jawaban terbaik dari pertanyaan diatas.


Activity 5

1. The song is not clear who the song was written to.. It is about having a dream and believing in it.

2. In the context of the song, “you” refers to anyone who has a dream.

3. In the context of the song, “stream” means a body of water that must be crossed to reach one’s destination.

4. The singer says “I believe in angels” because he believes that there is something good in everything he sees. Another meaning of this sentence could be that he believes in the power of hope and faith.

Activity 6

1. I think it’s a beautiful song with a positive message.

2. Yes, it’s a great song with an inspiring message.

3. The singer needs a dream because it gives him hope and something to strive for.

4. The singer believes in angels and something good in everything he sees.

Activity 7

1. In my opinion, a dream is a strong and vivid idea or vision of a desired future or outcome.

2. Yes, it’s possible to live without dreams, but life would be less fulfilling without them.

3. I have many dreams including that I want to get a decent job in the future.

4. Dreams can give us hope and motivation to achieve our goals in life.

5. Yes, i do

Activity 8

1. Memiliki

2. Menyanyi

3. Melihat

4. Mengambil

5. Gagal

6. Percaya

7. Tahu

8. Menyeberang

9. Membantu

10. Membuat

Activity 9

1. False

2. True

3. False

4. True

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Last Update: Sat, 24 Jun 23