Arrange the instructions below into proper steps of how to

Berikut ini adalah pertanyaan dari leo9910 pada mata pelajaran B. inggris untuk jenjang Sekolah Menengah Pertama

Arrange the instructions below into proper steps of how to make "Croffle (Croissant Waffle)" 1) Last, top with ice cream, berries, whipped cream, or whatever you'd like. 2) First, thaw your croissant dough if it was previously frozen. 3) Add 2 waffles to waffle maker and press down, cook until waffle maker indicates they are done, or until they reach desired crispiness. Remove from waffle iron. 4) Then, preheat waffle maker to level 2-3 depending on how crispy you want your exterior. 5) Spray the cooking oil to the waffle iron. 6) Add the remaining waffles and repeat the process.​
Arrange the instructions below into proper steps of how to make

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2) First, thaw your croissant dough if it was previously frozen.

5) Spray the cooking oil to the waffle iron.

4) Then, preheat waffle maker to level 2-3 depending on how crispy you want your exterior.

3) Add 2 waffles to waffle maker and press down, cook until waffle maker indicates they are done, or until they reach desired crispiness. Remove from waffle iron.

6) Add the remaining waffles and repeat the process.

1) Last, top with ice cream, berries, whipped cream, or whatever you'd like.

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Last Update: Mon, 13 Mar 23