KOMODO Komodo dragon or also known as Komodo Monitor is

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KOMODOKomodo dragon or also known as Komodo Monitor is the largest lizard that is originally from Komodo Island, Indonesia. Komodos are very rare and are found in the wild only on five islands: the Lesser Sunda Islands of Komodo, Rinca, Gili Montang and Gili Dasami all within Komodo National Park and the island of Flores, where the Komodo roams freely.

Komodo lives solitary and sometimes they will meet each other only to eat and breed Komodo prefers to live such a hot and dry area such as savanna, grassland and low elevation of tropical forest. For the non-permanent home, komodo also dig a hole as large as its body to hide and sleep. Komodo likes to hunt birds, mammals, another reptiles, fish, and also invertebrates even the most favourite food is carrion.

Due to the strong sensory sense in the tongue, komodo can detect and find the carrion 7-10 km away.Mating time occurs in May and August where the male comes to the females’ territory and fight first before mating.If the male wins in fighting, then the mating will happen, but if the female wins the fight, then the male should leave her.

The female komodo will lay her eggs in several different places to protect them from the other dragon which may to eat the eggsKomodo grows to a maximum length of 3 meters with the weight up to 70 kg. As the result of its big size body
Komodos come in a variety of colors, including blue, orange, green and gray. Their skin is rough and durable, reinforced with bony plates called osteoderms. They have long claws and a large, muscular tail Komodos have good vision; they can see objects as far away as 985 feet (300 m), according to the Smithsonian Zoo. They are also speedy. They can run briefly up to 13 mph (20 kph) but prefer to hunt by stealth waiting for hours until prey cross their path.

Complete the following table with the important facts from the text of Komodo


Species ......


Habitat ........

Habits ........

Physical characteristics.........

Emotional characteristics.........

Function ..........

Jawaban dan Penjelasan

Berikut ini adalah pilihan jawaban terbaik dari pertanyaan diatas.


Species : Lizard


Habitat : the Lesser Sunda Islands of Komodo, Rinca, Gili Montang and Gili Dasami all within Komodo National Park and the island of Flores

Habits : Dig a hole as large as its body to hide and sleep and it likes to hunt birds, mammals, another reptiles, fish, and also invertebrates

Physical characteristics: growth max: 3 meters

                                     weight up: 70 kg

Emotional characteristics: Protective

Function : To protect their eggs.

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Last Update: Sun, 18 Jun 23