Let's Practice Make a conversation based on the following situation

Berikut ini adalah pertanyaan dari sagitadea25 pada mata pelajaran B. inggris untuk jenjang Sekolah Menengah Pertama

Let's Practice Make a conversation based on the following situation ΚΑΝΤΙΝ 1² Lina ai. Sari are eating noodle at the canteen. Lina think that the noodle is too salty but Sari think that it s nice Siti likes Lina's picture because it is beautiful and the color is nice. Lina responds her compliment Mrs. Ani want to know if the students understand the question. The students (Lina and Sari) understand. ​
Let's Practice Make a conversation based on the following situation ΚΑΝΤΙΝ 1² Lina ai. Sari are eating noodle at the canteen. Lina think that the noodle is too salty but Sari think that it s nice Siti likes Lina's picture because it is beautiful and the color is nice. Lina responds her compliment Mrs. Ani want to know if the students understand the question. The students (Lina and Sari) understand. ​

Jawaban dan Penjelasan

Berikut ini adalah pilihan jawaban terbaik dari pertanyaan diatas.


Lina: What do you think about this noodle taste?

Sari: The noodle was nice, how about you?

Lina: It was salty, i don't really like it.

Siti: Wow, the picture was really good, it's beautiful, and the color was nice!

Lina: Thanks for your compliment, i appreciated it.

Mrs. Ani: Any questions for this lesson today?

The Students: We understands it.

Mrs. Ani: Well, that was good, you all practiced about it.

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Last Update: Mon, 07 Nov 22