Task 1 Listen to the monologue to fill the blanks!

Berikut ini adalah pertanyaan dari lionellio002 pada mata pelajaran B. inggris untuk jenjang Sekolah Menengah Pertama

Task 1 Listen to the monologue to fill the blanks! 1. Are you able to a horse? 2. 1.......... 3. You 4. ........... 5. Will you 6. Smoking ........... in the smoking area only. 7. I am willing to... with you this evening. 8. You don't have to leave a tip but if you want to, you 9. You can take out some books from the library but you..... ........... you print this report, please? 10. 11.I cannot do ....... homework. It's difficult. ...... acrobatic moves with a bicycle. 12.1 can ****** go with you tomorrow evening, I've got a match. ........ borrow my bike if you want to, but take care of it! be at the meeting but I think I'll go anyway as it could be interesting. the letter tomorrow? Tack Pindal QR Code untuk Mendengarkan SUD take them back before two weeks.​
Task 1 Listen to the monologue to fill the blanks! 1. Are you able to a horse? 2. 1.......... 3. You 4. ........... 5. Will you 6. Smoking ........... in the smoking area only. 7. I am willing to... with you this evening. 8. You don't have to leave a tip but if you want to, you 9. You can take out some books from the library but you..... ........... you print this report, please? 10. 11.I cannot do ....... homework. It's difficult. ...... acrobatic moves with a bicycle. 12.1 can ****** go with you tomorrow evening, I've got a match. ........ borrow my bike if you want to, but take care of it! be at the meeting but I think I'll go anyway as it could be interesting. the letter tomorrow? Tack Pindal QR Code untuk Mendengarkan SUD take them back before two weeks.​

Jawaban dan Penjelasan

Berikut ini adalah pilihan jawaban terbaik dari pertanyaan diatas.

The answer to fill the blank is:

  1. ride
  2. can't
  3. can
  4. don't have to be
  5. send
  6. is allow
  7. swim
  8. can
  9. have to
  10. will
  11. the math
  12. make an


  1. Are you able to ride a horse?
  2. I can't go with you tomorrow evening, I've got a match
  3. You can borrow my bike if you want to, but take care of it
  4. I don't have to be at the meeting but I think I'll go anyway as it could be interesting
  5. Will you send the letter tomorrow?
  6. Smoking is allow in the smoking area only.
  7. I am willing to swim with you this evening.
  8. You don't have to leave a tip but if you want to, you can
  9. You can take out some books from the library but you have to you print this report, please?
  10. Will you print this report, please?
  11. I cannot do the math homework. It's difficult.
  12. I can make an acrobatic moves with bicycle.

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Last Update: Mon, 31 Oct 22