soalnyaa.1.what is the man's characteristic?2.what did the man tell to

Berikut ini adalah pertanyaan dari danieshaa pada mata pelajaran B. inggris untuk jenjang Sekolah Menengah Pertama

Soalnyaa.1.what is the man's characteristic?
2.what did the man tell to his son in his son's dream?
3.what was left from his wealth?
4.what did the son do with his leftover wealth?
5.what kind of help given by one the son to the king?

bantuannya dong yang pinter mwhehe><

soalnyaa.1.what is the man's characteristic?2.what did the man tell to his son in his son's dream?3.what was left from his wealth?4.what did the son do with his leftover wealth?5.what kind of help given by one the son to the king?bantuannya dong yang pinter mwhehe><​

Jawaban dan Penjelasan

Berikut ini adalah pilihan jawaban terbaik dari pertanyaan diatas.


1.The man was a great miser.

2.The man told his son that his mother would soon pass away and half of his ill-gotten wealth should be given to the poor and the other half should be thrown into the sea.

3.A tiny scrap of paper with six shillings was left from his wealth.

4.The son threw his leftover wealth into the sea and caught whatever swam by.

5.The son helped the king to catch the rats with the cat.


The son helped the king to catch the rats with the cat because the king offered him a great reward if he did so - the opportunity to become the Prime Minister or to marry the princess and inherit the kingdom.


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Last Update: Wed, 12 Apr 23