Linda, I need your help to handle the meeting of

Berikut ini adalah pertanyaan dari kevinsetyaji637 pada mata pelajaran B. inggris untuk jenjang Sekolah Menengah Pertama

Linda, I need your help to handle the meeting of Book Fair committee because I can't come today. Please meet our principal and tell him that the meeting is scheduled at 9 a.m. After that, ask Reni, the master of ceremony to start on time. One more thing. don't forget to confirm about the snack and drink for the coffee break to Mrs. Wijaya Thank you Wenda 21. What is Mrs. Wijaya's duty on the Book Fair day? A. To greet the principal. B. To be the Master of Ceremony. C. To make preparation for the coffee break. D. To handle the Book Fair committee meeting. 22. What is Wenda's purpose to send this message? A To promote the Book Fair. B. To tell about the Book Fair. C. To remind Linda about the meeting. D. To ask Linda to handle the meeting. Dear Mira, I am sorry I have to tell you that I can't come to your house to work on our project as we have planned before. Unexpected thing has happened. My grandma must be hospitalized soon. I'll tell you about our plan later. Love, Dinda 23. From the message above we know that.... A. Dinda and Mira have to work together on their project B. Dinda and her grandma will meet Mira at the hospital C. Dinda expects Mira to stay in the hospital with her D. Dinda's grandma involves in the project 24. The message is written to A. To tell about her sick grandma. B. To ask Mira to work on their project. C. To persuade Mira to change the project D. To give information about the delay of an activity.​

Jawaban dan Penjelasan

Berikut ini adalah pilihan jawaban terbaik dari pertanyaan diatas.







21."to confirm about the snack and drink for the coffee break to Mrs. Wijaya"

22."Linda, I need your help to handle the meeting"

23."work on our project"

24."I'll tell you about our plan later"

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Last Update: Fri, 01 Sep 23