dialogue 2 Tomi : Rika,Dion,our Scholl Will celebrate ITS anniversary

Berikut ini adalah pertanyaan dari ssalamah146 pada mata pelajaran B. inggris untuk jenjang Sekolah Menengah Pertama

Dialogue 2Tomi : Rika,Dion,our Scholl Will celebrate ITS anniversary soon. in your opinion,what if we hold a school bazar?

Rika : i agree with the idea..you know , some of our friends are good at making handicrafts. i believe many students Will be interested in buying their crafts.

Dion: moreover, we can use the event for find raising. we can donate the money to the floor victims. what do you think?

Rika : i like your idea. let's propose our progam to the principal.

( soalnya ada difoto )
tolong bantuannya:) ​
dialogue 2 Tomi : Rika,Dion,our Scholl Will celebrate ITS anniversary soon. in your opinion,what if we hold a school bazar?Rika : i agree with the idea..you know , some of our friends are good at making handicrafts. i believe many students Will be interested in buying their crafts.Dion: moreover, we can use the event for find raising. we can donate the money to the floor victims. what do you think?Rika : i like your idea. let's propose our progam to the principal.( soalnya ada difoto )tolong bantuannya:) ​

Jawaban dan Penjelasan

Berikut ini adalah pilihan jawaban terbaik dari pertanyaan diatas.


1i's talking about the school bazaar

2.that i It says what stuff do you bring??

That means Raka agrees with idea

He sells donuts and the other

5.Debate fairly

Penjelasan: maaf kalau salah:((

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Last Update: Tue, 01 Nov 22