READING Task 5 Allow me to introduce my family. My

Berikut ini adalah pertanyaan dari nabilanuraini4744 pada mata pelajaran B. inggris untuk jenjang Sekolah Menengah Pertama

READING Task 5 Allow me to introduce my family. My father name is Mr. Rahardian and my mother is Mrs. Dewi. Read the following text aloud and underline some pronouns. My parents have three children. There is my older brother Chandra, my younger sister Silvia, and me. My father is tall and slim. He is a funny person. While my mother is quite fat and patient person. Chandra is a smart boy who really love science. Now, he is a student of Senior high school in grade tenth. While Silvia is only five years old so she attends the playgroup.​
READING Task 5 Allow me to introduce my family. My father name is Mr. Rahardian and my mother is Mrs. Dewi. Read the following text aloud and underline some pronouns. My parents have three children. There is my older brother Chandra, my younger sister Silvia, and me. My father is tall and slim. He is a funny person. While my mother is quite fat and patient person. Chandra is a smart boy who really love science. Now, he is a student of Senior high school in grade tenth. While Silvia is only five years old so she attends the playgroup.​

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Last Update: Sun, 13 Nov 22