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Buatlah dialog (B.INGGRIS) dengan jumlah 6 orang, yg bertemakan tentang SUPERMARKET*minimal 10 baris

tolong bgt ​

Jawaban dan Penjelasan

Berikut ini adalah pilihan jawaban terbaik dari pertanyaan diatas.


Here is an example of a conversation among 6 people discussing supermarkets:

Amy: Hey, guys. Have you heard about the new supermarket that just opened up down the street?

Ben: No, I haven't. What's it called?

Amy: It's called Fresh Mart. I went there yesterday and it's amazing.

Carla: Really? What's so special about it?

Amy: They have a huge selection of fresh produce, and their prices are really good. Plus, they have a lot of international food items that I haven't been able to find anywhere else.

David: That sounds great. I usually shop at the big chain supermarkets, but it would be nice to try something new.

Emily: I know what you mean, David. I get tired of the same old options at my local supermarket.

Frank: Speaking of options, do they have a good selection of organic products?

Amy: Yes, they do! They even have a section dedicated to organic and natural products.

Ben: That's awesome. I'm always on the lookout for more organic options.

Carla: How about their customer service? Was it good?

Amy: Yes, it was. The staff was really friendly and helpful. They even offered to help me carry my groceries to my car.

David: I'm sold. I think I'll check it out this weekend.

Emily: Same here. Let's make a plan to go together.

Frank: Count me in too. It sounds like a great place to shop.

Amy: Awesome. I think you guys will really like it.


Nama nya bisa diganti

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Last Update: Sun, 11 Jun 23