B. Study the following sentences. Classify each sentence as showing

Berikut ini adalah pertanyaan dari arridhomuhamad69 pada mata pelajaran B. inggris untuk jenjang Sekolah Menengah Pertama

B. Study the following sentences. Classify each sentence as showing the same degree (E);indicating a greater degree (C), or the greatest degree (S). Discuss with your friends and
1. (...) A train is faster than a car.
2. (...) No other boy is as tall as James.
3. ( ... ) Bali is more famous than most other places in Indonesia.
4. (...) Milk is more nourishing than any other food.
5. ( ... ) Teak is the most valuable wood.
6. ( ... ) Mount Semeru is higher than Merapi.
7. (...) Other girls are not as pretty as Jane.
8. (...) Gold is one of the most precious metals.
9. (...) Raja Ampat has the most beautiful underwater spots in Indonesia.
10. (...) Very few books are as popular as Harry Potter.​

Jawaban dan Penjelasan

Berikut ini adalah pilihan jawaban terbaik dari pertanyaan diatas.


1. (C) A train is faster than a car.

2. (E) No other boy is as tall as James.

3. (C) Bali is more famous than most other places in Indonesia.

4. (C) Milk is more nourishing than any other food.

5. ( S) Teak is the most valuable wood.

6. ( C) Mount Semeru is higher than Merapi.

7. (E) Other girls are not as pretty as Jane.

8. (S) Gold is one of the most precious metals.

9. (S) Raja Ampat has the most beautiful underwater spots in Indonesia.

10. (E) Very few books are as popular as Harry Potter.

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Last Update: Wed, 27 Apr 22