JAR OF HEARTS Christina Perri I know I can’t take

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JAR OF HEARTS Christina Perri I know I can’t take one more step towards you ‘Cause all that’s waiting is regret Don’t you know I’m not your ghost anymore You lost the love I loved the most I learned to live half alive Now you want me one more time Who do you think you are? Runnin’ ’round leaving scars Collecting your jar of hearts Tearing love apart You’re gonna catch a cold From the ice inside your soul So don’t come back for me Who do you think you are? What does the woman want from her ex-man?.

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It's unclear what the woman wants from her ex-man in the song "Jar of Hearts" by Christina Perri. The lyrics suggest that she is no longer interested in him and wants him to stay away from her. She accuses him of causing her pain and refers to him as having a cold and empty soul. She may want him to take responsibility for his actions and leave her alone.

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Last Update: Thu, 09 Mar 23