Read the paragraph below and then change the verbs in

Berikut ini adalah pertanyaan dari ameliaputrinova939 pada mata pelajaran B. inggris untuk jenjang Sekolah Menengah Pertama

Read the paragraph below and then change the verbs in brackets into their past form! Last week my parents, sister, brother and I........ (go) to the zoo. We .........(go) there for recreation. We .......... (leave) at 06.00 a.m and ......... (arrive) there at 08,00 a.m. It is about a hundred kilometers to go to the zoo from my house. There were a lot of people watching a giant snake. The snake ........(is) there for about a week. It......... (is) 9 meters long. I ..........(think) it.......(is) a biggest snake that I ever seen. After watching various animals, we.......(go) home. On the way home, we ............(stop) temple for half an hour. going around and at the Borobudurwhat is the suitable title for the text above?

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Last Update: Wed, 26 Apr 23