Activity 6 Work in pairs. Read the following texts. Discuss

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Activity 6 Work in pairs. Read the following texts. Discuss the similarities and differences of the two texts. Share your answer with the class. You may discuss the similarities and differences of the two texts based on: the form, the purpose, the media, the structure of the texts. Text 1 Good afternoon, Yayan. It's me Zulfa. I'd like to inform you that we'll have laboratory tomorrow. I share you this information as you were absent fr you can prepare for the activity well. Text 2To; Yayan,
i'd like to inform you that we will have a biology​

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The two texts share similarities in terms of their purpose, which is to inform Yayan about an upcoming laboratory activity. Both texts also mention that Yayan was absent from the previous class, and that the information is being shared to help him prepare for the upcoming activity.

However, the two texts differ in terms of their form and structure. Text 1 is a spoken conversation, while Text 2 is a written message. Text 1 is also more informal and uses colloquial language, while Text 2 is more formal and uses proper grammar and punctuation. In terms of structure, Text 1 is more conversational and does not follow a formal structure, while Text 2 has a clear opening and closing, and is structured like a formal letter or message.

Additionally, Text 1 does not specify the subject of the laboratory, while Text 2 specifies that the laboratory is for biology. Lastly, Text 2 also mentions the date and time of the laboratory, while Text 1 does not provide this information.


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Last Update: Mon, 03 Jul 23