Read the text and answer the questions completely! Damar's school

Berikut ini adalah pertanyaan dari beryyy pada mata pelajaran B. inggris untuk jenjang Sekolah Menengah Pertama

Read the text and answer the questions completely! Damar's school has several extracurricular activities. One of them is a science club. Damar attends this club this semester. This club holds its activities in the science laboratory every Tuesday between 3 PM and 5 PM. There are twenty students attending the club. The members must wear white coats when conducting experiments in the laboratory and wear school uniforms when having observations outside the school. Mrs. Ardina, their science teacher, is the club's adviser. The members study science, conduct experiments, and make innovations, especially in developing regional potential. For example, they process chaeto grass into vegetable oil, use eggshells to plant chilies, and make solar panels for electricity. They always write reports for their experiments. The science club will attend a competition next month. The members and teacher prepare for the competition well.Questions: 1. What is the text about?
2. Where do the club members do the activity?
3. When do the club members do the activity?
4. What must they wear?
5. What do they do?

makasih. ​

Jawaban dan Penjelasan

Berikut ini adalah pilihan jawaban terbaik dari pertanyaan diatas.


1. A science club in Damar's school.

2. They do it in the science laboratory.

3. Every tuesday between 3 PM and 5 PM.

4. They must wear a white coats.

5. They do an experiment. For example, they process chaeto grass into vegetable oil, use eggshells to plant chilies, and make solar panels for electricity.

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Last Update: Sun, 06 Aug 23