which tool suits the description​

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Which tool suits the description​

Jawaban dan Penjelasan

Berikut ini adalah pilihan jawaban terbaik dari pertanyaan diatas.

The tool suits thedescriptionis: A. P-Sickle, Q-Plough, R-Cultivator, S-Khurpi.


Pertanyaan yang lengkap dari soal di atas yakni sebagai berikut:

“P - A simple tool used for removing weeds.

Q - A tool which is used for ploughing and is used with a tractor.

R - A tool which is used for sowing and removing weeds.

S - A simple tool used for cutting of crops.

Which tool suits the description?

  • A. P-Sickle, Q-Plough, R-Cultivator, S-Khurpi
  • B. P-Sickle, Q-Cultivator, R-Hoe, S-Cutter
  • C. P-Khurpi, Q-Plough, R-Seed drill, S-Hoe
  • D. P-Hoe, Q-Cultivator, R-Seed drill, S-Sickle”

Berdasarkan kosakata dan deskripsi yang diberikan, kita dapat menganalisis sebagai berikut. Berdasarkan Cambridge Dictionary, makna kata-kata di atas antara lain:

  • Sickle is curved cutting tool used in agriculture for harvesting grain crops.
  • Plough is a farm tool for loosening or turning the soil before sowing seed or planting (ploughing).
  • Cultivator is a machine that disturbs the top surface of the soil to either prepare the soil into a smooth, loose, aerated seedbed, and/or to kill weeds.
  • Hoe is a long-handled gardening tool with a thin metal blade, used mainly for weeding and breaking up soil.  
  • Seed drill is sowing device that sows the seed precisely in the soil at proper depth and distance.

Maka dari itu, jawaban yang tepat adalah A. P-Sickle, Q-Plough, R-Cultivator, S-Khurpi.

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Last Update: Tue, 30 May 23