Formativa Test 3: Pay attention to the lyrics of Mr.

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Formativa Test 3: Pay attention to the lyrics of Mr. Postman byMr. Postman
Walt oh yes, wall a minute. Mister Postman
Wait Mister Postman
Mister Postman look and see
Is there a letter in your bag for me?
Please, please Mister Postman
I've been waiting a long, long time
Since I heard from that girl of mine
There must be some words today
From my girlfriend so far away
Please, Mister Postman, look and see
there's a letter, a letter for me
I've been standing here waiting. Mister Postman
So patiently
For just a card or just a letter
Saying she's returning home to me
Mister Postman look and see
Is there a letter in your bag for me?
Please, please, Mister Postman
I've been waiting a long, long time
Since I heard from that girl of mine
So many days you passed me by
See the tear in front of my eye
You didn't stop to make me feel better
By leaving me a card or a letter
Mister Postman look and see
Is there a letter in your bag for me?
I've been waiting a long, long time
Since I heard from that girlfriend of mine
You gotta walt a minute, wait a minute, oh yeah
Wait a minute, wait a minute, oh yeah
You gotta wait a minute, wait a minute, oh yeah
Check it and see, one more time for me
You gotta wait a minute, wait a minute, oh yeah
wait a minute, wait a minute, oh yeah
Mister Postman, oh yeah
Deliver the letter, the sooner the better
You gotta wait a minute, wait a minute, oh yeah
wait a minute, wait a minute, oh yeah
You gotta wait a minute, wait a minute, oh yeah
You gotta wait a minute, wait a minute, oh yeah
Answer the questions based on the lyrics of Mister Postman
1. Whom was the writer waiting for?
2. How long did he wait?
3. What thing did he expect to get from the man?
4. Whom was the writer waiting for a letter from?
5. What did the writer expect if he got a mail form his girlfriend?
6.what happened to the writer if the postman did not bring a letter for him?
7.what did the writer ask the postman to do again? did the writer feel when the postman delivered a card for him?​

Jawaban dan Penjelasan

Berikut ini adalah pilihan jawaban terbaik dari pertanyaan diatas.


1. the writer is waiting for the mr. postman

2. he waited for a long time

3. he expected a letter from the mr. postman

4. he was waiting for a letter from his girlfriend

5. the writer expect a card or just a letter

saying that his girfriend returning home to him

6. the writer would cry and be sad

7. to deliver the letter, the sooner the better

8. the writer felt better

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Last Update: Sat, 10 Jul 21