minta tolong bantuin kakak ubah kalimat pasif diubah menjadi kalimat

Berikut ini adalah pertanyaan dari tieyas06 pada mata pelajaran B. inggris untuk jenjang Sekolah Menengah Pertama

Minta tolong bantuin kakak ubah kalimat pasif diubah menjadi kalimat aktifSteve : Good morning, Freya Freya : Morning steve, Hey you know what? I have found my wallet
S : Oh really, where did you find it?
F : It was in my my room. I Forgot bring it yesterday
S : Oh i see, we were so panic yesterday F : Hahaha, Yes I'm sorry for that.
S : It's okay. By the way, Did you watch the news last night F : No, i didn't, I went out with my family. What happened? S : well the ABC Bank was robbed and many workers were locked in one of the room there. It was horrible!
F : Oh My God. Did the bankers call the police officers?
S : No, all the cellphones were taken by the robbers, but there was a costumer who saw the robbery. She ran away when the robbers came to the bank. Then the police officers were called by her
F: Then, what happened to the banker?
S : They were saved The police officers can handle it wery well F : oh it was horrible!
S : Yes, think so. well, I have another horrible news
F: What is that?
S : I was chosen as the prince in the school drama, oh no, I'm so shame!
F : Hahaha. That's a good news, Good luck steve! I know you can do it
S : I hope so Translate: Steve : Selamat pagi, Freya Freya : Selamat pagi steve, hei kamu tahu tidak? Aku telah menemukan dompetku S : Oh, benarkah, dimana kamu menemukannya?
F : Ada di kamarku. Aku lupa membawanya kemarin
S : Oh ya, kemarin kita sangat panik
F: Hahaha ya, Aku minta maaf untuk itu.
S: tidak apa-apa. Ngomong-ngomong, apakah kamu menonton berita tadi malam?
F: tidak, aku tidak menonton. Aku ada acara dengan keluarga. Memangnya, Apa yang terjadi?
S: Bank ABC dirampok dan banyak pekerja terkunci di salah satu ruangan di sana. Itu mengerikan! F : Ya Tuhan! Apakah para bankir memanggil petugas polisi? S : tidak, semua ponsel diambil oleh perampok, tapi ada pelanggan perempuan yang melihat perampokan. Dia melarikan diri ketika para perampok datang ke bank. Karena laporan dari pelanggan perempuan tersebut, polisi langsung datang ke bank itu.
F : lalu, apa yang terjadi dengan bankir?
S : mereka diselamatkan petugas polisi dapat menanganinya dengan baik F : Oh itu mengerikan!
S : Ya, kurasa begitu. Aku punya berita buruk lainnya
F : apa itu?
S : Aku terpilih sebagai pemeran pangeran dalam drama sekolah, oh tidak, aku sangat malu!
F: Hahaha. Itu kabar baik, semoga berhasil steve! Aku tahu kamu bisa melakukannya S: saya harap begitu ^_^​

Jawaban dan Penjelasan

Berikut ini adalah pilihan jawaban terbaik dari pertanyaan diatas.

passive: ABC Bank was robbed

active : The robbers robbed the ABC Bank

p: many workers were locked in one of the room there.

a: The robbers locked many workers in one of the room there

p: all the cellphones were taken by the robbers,

a: The robbers took all the cellphones

p: the police officers were called by her

a: She called the police officers

p: they were saved

a: The police officers saved the workers

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Last Update: Tue, 13 Jul 21