Read the text carefullyDear ArviHello Arvi. How are you? I

Berikut ini adalah pertanyaan dari jonyputra836 pada mata pelajaran B. inggris untuk jenjang Sekolah Menengah Pertama

Read the text carefullyDear Arvi
Hello Arvi. How are you? I hope you are fine
I want to tell you about my school My school is a village school that is not easy to reach
from the city center. It takes forty five minutes, riding motorcycle from the school to my
My school has thirty teachers, seven office staffs and hundred and sixty students. There is a
small gate infront of the school. There are nine classrooms with old chairs and tables, a not
representative laboratory, a poor library a small canteen, and a small mosque A large is
behind the school. It is used to have a flag ceremony and sport activities. The staff office is
beside the headmaster's office. There is a narrow park with some plants and flowers
Ok Arvi. That' about my school. I'm looking forward to you reply
Tell me about your school.
Your truly
Dea Rosiana
Answer these question below based on the text !
1. What article is in the text above ?
2. Who writers the letter?
3. What does the writer want to tell about?
4. Is Dea's School far from city?
5. Is it easy to reach the school?
6. How many teachers does the school have ?
7. Does the school has a gate ?
8. How long time does it take to go to the school from the city ?
9. Where is the large yard ?
10. Where is the headmaster's office ?


Jawaban dan Penjelasan

Berikut ini adalah pilihan jawaban terbaik dari pertanyaan diatas.



1.kamu harus cari sendiri artikelnya,kalo mau di terjemahkan translate aja ke google okey;)


3.Tells about his school near the village

4.Yes, it is very far to reach it


6.Has thirty teachers

7.Yes there is a small gate in front of the school

8.It took forty-five minutes to get to school

9.A large field behind the school

10.Near the narrow park / near the staff office

jadikan yang terbaik yah...

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Last Update: Sun, 30 May 21