41. What is the communicativethe text?a. To giveentertainmea higher part

Berikut ini adalah pertanyaan dari gresiaice12 pada mata pelajaran B. inggris untuk jenjang Sekolah Menengah Pertama

41. What is the communicativethe text?
a. To give
a higher part of the canal or into another tank or
lock, which will lift it still higher
To go down the hill on the other side, the boat
enters a lock that is full of water. As the water is
let out of the lock, the boat will float lower and
lower. So locks make it possible for boats or ships
to move from one water level to another.
37. What does the text tell about?
a. Straight and narrow roads
b. World's finest canals
Water transportation
d. Waterways
38. Why do people build canals?
To connect rivers, lakes, and oceans.
b. To hold a giant tank.
C. To store sewage.
d. To rise water
39. How can the lock make boat go up and down
the hill?
a. It rises the water into the higher part of
b. It opens its door and the boat floats out.
C. It lets water enters it and when it is full the
boat floats higher and lower on it.
d The lock let water enter it.
40. We know from the text that a lock is ....
an enormous tank
b. a very big boat
ca long boat
d a long tank
amusement to the readers
b. To describe the way thing
reference to a range of
To persuade the reader
d. To present (at least) many
aspects of an issue
42. The text describes about...
a. species of fungi in the work
b. characteristics of plant kinga
carea where fungi live
d. fungias a quite different plan
43. Which one of the following sente
NOT TRUE according to the text!
a. Fungi have a method to sur
dry atmosphere
b. Mycelium is a mass of tiny the
c. Fungi can survive only in dan
of water
d. Mushroom is one among the
species of fungi.
Text 10
A kangaroo is an animal founda
Australia, although it has a smaller
called wallaby, which lives on the Aus
island of Tasmania and also in New
maestro Bahasa Inggris SMP/MTs Kelas IX Semester 2​

Jawaban dan Penjelasan

Berikut ini adalah pilihan jawaban terbaik dari pertanyaan diatas.


Luas Permukaan (L)L = 2 × (p.l + p.t +l.t)Panjang (p)p = V ÷ l ÷ tLebar (l)l = V ÷ p ÷ tTinggi (t)t = V ÷ p ÷ l


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Last Update: Sun, 20 Jun 21