My brother and I went shopping yesterday. We bought a

Berikut ini adalah pertanyaan dari velinasanjani44 pada mata pelajaran B. inggris untuk jenjang Sekolah Menengah Pertama

My brother and I went shopping yesterday. We bought a lot of things in the super market. My brother got two cans of coke for Rp10,000.00. I bought a pack of popcorn. It was Rp5,000.00 per pack. When we got to the fruit stall, my brother spent money a lot. He bought a kilo of orange for Rp18,000.00, two kilos of grapes for Rp40,000.00 and a melon for Rp20,000.00. Both of us then bought school stuffs at the stationary corner. We bought two pens for Rp12,000.00, so each was Rp6,000.00. We also got two erasers, Rp3,000.00 each.1. How much did the writer pay for the popcorn?

2. How much was a kilo of grapes?

3. How much was a can of coke?

4. How much did the they pay the school stuffs?

5. How much did the they pay the fruits?

Jawaban dan Penjelasan

Berikut ini adalah pilihan jawaban terbaik dari pertanyaan diatas.


1. How much did the writer pay for the popcorn?

• The writer paid Rp5,000.00 for the popcorn.

2. How much was a kilo of grapes?

• it was Rp20,000.00.

3. How much was a can of coke?

• It was Rp5,000.00

4. . How much did the they pay the school stuffs?

• They paid Rp18,000.00 for the school stuffs.

5. . How much did the they pay the fruits?

• They paid Rp78,000.00 for the fruits.

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Last Update: Sun, 25 Jul 21