Read the dialogue bellow with your friend and find the

Berikut ini adalah pertanyaan dari riskafadli04 pada mata pelajaran B. inggris untuk jenjang Sekolah Menengah Pertama

Read the dialogue bellow with your friend and find the expression of asking and giving opin- ion and please mark! Hanung: Do you think we need to know about drugs? Kartika : Yes, I think everyone should know about it, especially teenager Hanung: Why is that? Kartika : Hanung : Kartika : Hanung : Well, drugs have side effects and that it can be harmful so everybody should know the truth about it What do you think children should learn all of that knowledge from? In my opinion their family and teacher are the one who should inform them Yeah, I guess you're right. They are the closes people around them. Oh is it really true that we can get addicted only after the first try? Kartika: That is certainly true, so if I were you I wouldn't even touch it. Hanung: Don't worry I wouldn't even get near it Kartika: Good, make sure you don't get persuaded of attracted by it Hanung : Don't worry, I won't​

Jawaban dan Penjelasan

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Hanung: Do you think we need to know about drugs? Kartika : Yes, I think everyone should know about it, especially teenager Hanung: Why is that? Kartika : Hanung : Kartika : Hanung : Well, drugs have side effects and that it can be harmful so everybody should know the truth about it What do you think children should learn all of that knowledge from? In my opinion their family and teacher are the one who should inform them Yeah, I guess you're right. They are the closes people around them. Oh is it really true that we can get addicted only after the first try? Kartika: That is certainly true, so if I were you I wouldn't even touch it. Hanung: Don't worry I wouldn't even get near it Kartika: Good, make sure you don't get persuaded of attracted by it Hanung : Don't worry, I won't

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Last Update: Wed, 16 Nov 22