UNIT 1EXERCISEA. Make questions using the question words for these

Berikut ini adalah pertanyaan dari cuterafikahp5gwjz pada mata pelajaran B. inggris untuk jenjang Sekolah Menengah Pertama

A. Make questions using the question words for these sentences. The words
in brackets should be the answer for the question
Example: The boy has (a ball) in his pocket → What does the boy have
in his pocket?
1. She lives in the old town.) where does she
2. I gave the book to (Valerie.)
3. (Michael) lent me a car.
4. I got married (20 years ago.)
5. I'd like (the green) pullover, please.
6. (A madman) murdered the President.
7. go to the cinema at least (once a week.)
8. The journey takes (about six hours) from here.
9. To get to my house, (you take the bus and get off at Wood Green.)
10. My new sandals (are fifiy dollars)
11. She is waiting for (her boyfriend)
12. These are (Jim's) books and papers
13. They have (three) children
14. Bob can't go to campus (because he is sick)
15. My parents have been living there (for two years)
16. Her roommate is (Jennifer Garner)
17. It is (two hundred miles) to New Orleans from here
18. Her roommates are (Kimberly and Aletta)
19. Ron drives his car (carefully)
20. We have a date at least (once a week)
21. Bobby drives his car (over than forty miles per hour)
22. (The one in dark red night gown) is the boss' wife
23. Leony's eyes (are dark brown)

Jawaban dan Penjelasan

Berikut ini adalah pilihan jawaban terbaik dari pertanyaan diatas.


1. She lives in (the old town) — Where does she live? (menanyakan tempat)

2. I gave the book to (Valerie) — Who did you give the book to? (menanyakan objek)

3. (Michael) lent me a car — Who lent the car to you? (menanyakan subjek)

4. I got married (20 years ago) — When did you get married? (menanyakan waktu)

5. I'd like (the green) pullover, please. — Which pullover do you want? (menanyakan pilihan)

6. (A madman) murdered the President. — Who murdered the president? (menanyakan subjek)

7. We go to the cinema at least (once a week.) — How often do you go to the cinema? (menanyakan frekuensi)

8. The journey takes (about six hours) from here. — How long does the trip take? (menanyakan rentang waktu)

9. To get to my house, (you take the bus and get off at Wood Green.) — How do I go to your house? (menanyakan cara)

10. My new sandals (are fifiy dollars) — What is the price of your sandals? (menanyakan harga)

11. She is waiting for (her boyfriend) —

Who is he waiting for? (menanyakan objek)

12. These are (Jim's) books and papers — Whose books and papers are they? (menanyakan kepunyaan)

13. They have (three) children — How many children do they have? (menanyakan jumlah)

14. Bob can't go to campus (because he is sick) — Why can't he go to campus? (menanyakan alasan)

15. My parents have been living there (for two years) How long have your parents been living here? (menanyakan rentang waktu)

16. Her roommate is (Jennifer Garner) — Who is her roommate? (menanyakan objek)

17. It is (two hundred miles) to New Orleans from here — How far is it to New Orleans from here? (menanyakan jarak)

18. Her roommates are (Kimberly and Aletta) — Who are her roommates? (menanyakan objek)

19. Ron drives his car (carefully) — How does Ron drive his car? (menanyakan cara)

20. We have a date at least (once a week) — How often do you have a date? (menanyakan frekuensi)

21. Bobby drives his car (over than forty miles per hour) — How fast is Bob driving the car? (menanyakan keadaan / kondisi)

22. (The one in dark red night gown) is the boss' wife — Which is the boss' wife?

23. Leony's eyes (are dark brown) — What color is Leony's eyes? (menanyakan objek)


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Last Update: Mon, 24 Jun 19