Long ago, an old carpenter named Gepetto carved a puppet

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Long ago, an old carpenter named Gepetto carved a puppet in the shape of a boy andnamed it Pinocchio. He wished the boy to be a real one. A fairy heard his words and
fulfilled his wish. She added life to the puppet. But she wanted that if he was to be a real
boy, he must always be a good boy.
Gepetto loved him dearly, but Pinocchio was quite naughty and rarely spoke the truth
As soon as he lied, his wooden nose would grow long. He always promised to be a good
boy from the next time. But he soon forgot his word and left the school with his friends to
join a circus. Now, he began to miss Gepetto.
One day, he heard that his father had been swallowed up by a huge whale. He
immediately went to find the whale. The whale swallowed him as well
. Inside the whale's
belly, Pinocchio and Gepetto were so happy to see each other. They made a plan to get
out and began tickling the whale's stomach. As soon as the whale opened his mouth and
sneezed, Pinocchio and Gepetto slipped out.
They reached home safely. The fairy was pleased with Pinocchio's bravery and she
turned him into a real fleshed and blood boy. From that day, he was a very good boy and
never missed school. The father and son lived happily ever after
7. The text mainly tells us about
A. Pinocchio and his friends
C. the good fairy
B. Pinocchio and Gepetto
D. the whale​

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Last Update: Tue, 01 Jun 21