4. Complete the following procedure text on how to operate

Berikut ini adalah pertanyaan dari alifgibran16 pada mata pelajaran B. inggris untuk jenjang Sekolah Menengah Pertama

4. Complete the following procedure text on how to operate a digital camera with the words buttons choices explore hold mode photo Push Take 1. Power on your camera and look at the back of your digital camera. There are several ____Locate the menu button, a delete button and a mode button. 2. Locate and push the Arrows buttons on your digital camera to___how the function. 3. Explore the playback___.This mode offers choices such as a slideshow or thumbnail view while the top button can offer frames.If you have a zoom,you can also click this button to zoom in on a digital__. 4. Pushing the menu button will give you a variety of___such as recording,setup and other functions.___ the right button to advance and down button to select. Scroll to exit to leave The menu or just click "Menu" again. 5. Push and ___ a round button located on top of your digital camera for up to eight seconds to___ a digital photo. Repeat a few Times until you adjust for Lighting, distance and activity level

Jawaban dan Penjelasan

Berikut ini adalah pilihan jawaban terbaik dari pertanyaan diatas.


1. Power on your camera and look at the back of your digital camera. There are several choices. Locate the menu button, a delete button and a mode button. 2. Locate and push the Arrows buttons on your digital camera to explore how the function. 3. Explore the playback buttons.This mode offers choices such as a slideshow or thumbnail view while the top button can offer frames.If you have a zoom,you can also click this button to zoom in on a digital mode. 4. Pushing the menu button will give you a variety of choices such as recording,setup and other functions. Push the right button to advance and down button to select. Scroll to exit to leave The menu or just click "Menu" again. 5. Push and holda round button located on top of your digital camera for up to eight seconds totake a digital photo. Repeat a few Times until you adjust for Lighting, distance and activity level


Kalimat pada penjelasan prosedur di atas menggunakan pola Simple Present Tense dan Imperative.

(+) Subject + Verb-1 S/ES + Object

Pola kalimat dari Imperative adalah penggunaan the base of infinitive without 'to'. Jadi Imperative dibentuk dari bentuk dasar infinitive (to + V1) tanpa 'to' maka (verb 1) saja. Contoh: Explore the playback buttons!

Semoga membantu ya.

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Last Update: Sun, 11 Jul 21