10 contoh kalimat simple future tense positif,negatif,introgatif

Berikut ini adalah pertanyaan dari nadyazumrothus pada mata pelajaran B. inggris untuk jenjang Sekolah Menengah Pertama

10 contoh kalimat simple future tense positif,negatif,introgatif

Jawaban dan Penjelasan

Berikut ini adalah pilihan jawaban terbaik dari pertanyaan diatas.

Kelas : VII
Pelajaran : Bahasa Inggris
Kategori : Simple future tense
Kata kunci : will + base verb, to be + going to + base verb

rumus simple future tense:
1) Nominal future tense
(+) Subject + will be + complement (noun or adjective)
(-) Subject + will not be + complement (noun or adjective)
(?) Will + subject + be + complement (noun or adjective)?

1. She will be here soon
She will not be here soon.
Will she be here soon?

Catatan : Untuk I dan We, menggunakan shall. Sedangkan selain I dan We, menggunakan will.

2. We shall be late tomorrow.
We shall not be late tomorrow.
Shall we be late tomorrow?

2) Verbal future tense
(+) Subject + will + base verb (v1)
(-) Subject + will not + base verb (v1)
(?) Will + subject + base verb (v1)?

Contoh :
3. You will go to the library next weekend.
You will not go to the library next weekend.
Will you go to the library next weekend?

4. I shall buy a new book tomorrow.
I shall not buy a new book tomorrow.
Shall I buy a new book tomorrow?

5. Rina will clean her room next Sunday.
Rina will not clean her room next Sunday.
Will Rina clean her room next Sunday.

3) Simple future tense with to be + going to + v1
(+) Subject + to be (am/is/are) + going to + base verb (v1)
(-) Subject +  to be (am/is/are) + not + going to + base verb (v1)
(?) To be (am/is/are) + subject + going to + base verb (v1)?

6. They are going to play football.
They are not going to play football
Are they going to play football?

7. The students are going to study at library.
The students are not going to study at library.
Are the students going to study at library?

8. My brother is going to write letter to his friend.
My brother is not going to write letter to his friend.
Is my brother going to write letter to his friend?

9. I am going to become a teacher next year.
 I am not going to become a teacher next year.
Am I going to become a teacher next year?

10. My sister and I are going to come to your birthday next Saturday.
My sister and I are not going to come to your birthday next Saturday.
Are my sister and I going to come to your birthday next Saturday?

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Last Update: Sat, 04 Nov 17