how well have you read? state T(true) if the following

Berikut ini adalah pertanyaan dari ssaripah62450 pada mata pelajaran B. inggris untuk jenjang Sekolah Menengah Pertama

How well have you read? state T(true) if the following statement is true and F(false) if it is false baser on the dialogue above!

1.jody and vergil are talking about their sister.
2.vergil's sister got angry because she was hit
3.jody hit vergil's sister in her head.
4.vergil always fight with her sister when they at home.
5.jody was in vergil's house when he it her sister.
6.Vergil feel hurt because her sister smacked her head.
6.jody and vergil alwsys fight in their house.
7.jody and vergil always fight in their house.
8.have a fight with your siblings was the most missed thing.

tolong dijawab soal diatas dengan benar✔
mohon jangan ngasal✅
yang gak bisa jawab g usah repot² ngejawab❌
poin dah gede loh :(

how well have you read? state T(true) if the following statement is true and F(false) if it is false baser on the dialogue above!1.jody and vergil are talking about their sister.2.vergil's sister got angry because she was hit3.jody hit vergil's sister in her head.4.vergil always fight with her sister when they at home.5.jody was in vergil's house when he it her sister.6.Vergil feel hurt because her sister smacked her head.6.jody and vergil alwsys fight in their house.7.jody and vergil always fight in their house.8.have a fight with your siblings was the most missed thing.tolong dijawab soal diatas dengan benar✔mohon jangan ngasal✅yang gak bisa jawab g usah repot² ngejawab❌poin dah gede loh :(help!​

Jawaban dan Penjelasan

Berikut ini adalah pilihan jawaban terbaik dari pertanyaan diatas.


1.) True

2.) True

3.) False

4.) True

5.) True

6.) False

7.) False

8.) True

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Last Update: Wed, 28 Jul 21