31. The text above mainly talks about ....A. debris flowsB.

Berikut ini adalah pertanyaan dari lebrynayesycca pada mata pelajaran B. inggris untuk jenjang Sekolah Menengah Pertama

31. The text above mainly talks about ....A. debris flows
B. natural disaster on earth
C. a kind of disaster called landslide
D. landslide effects to the environment

32. Some natural phenomenon that caused
landslide are ....
A. snowmelt, rainfall, stream erosion
B. rainfall
, road construction, snowmelt
C. debris flows, earthquakes, volcanic activity
D. volcanic activity, human activities,

33. One of the factors that influences the debris'
flow is ....
A human activities
B. volcanic activity
C. water type
D. rainfall

34. Who will be probably interested with the text
A. Linguist.
B. Scientist.
C. Biologist
D. Geologist​
31. The text above mainly talks about ....A. debris flowsB. natural disaster on earthC. a kind of disaster called landslideD. landslide effects to the environment32. Some natural phenomenon that causedlandslide are ....A. snowmelt, rainfall, stream erosionB. rainfall, road construction, snowmeltC. debris flows, earthquakes, volcanic activityD. volcanic activity, human activities,earthquakes33. One of the factors that influences the debris'flow is ....A human activitiesB. volcanic activityC. water typeD. rainfall34. Who will be probably interested with the textabove?A. Linguist.B. Scientist.C. BiologistD. Geologist​

Jawaban dan Penjelasan

Berikut ini adalah pilihan jawaban terbaik dari pertanyaan diatas.

Jawaban:31. The text above mainly talks about ....

A. debris flows

B. natural disaster on earth

(C). a kind of disaster called landslide

D. landslide effects to the environment

32. Some natural phenomenon that caused

landslide are ....

(A). snowmelt, rainfall, stream erosion

B. rainfall, road construction, snowmelt

C. debris flows, earthquakes, volcanic activity

D. volcanic activity, human activities,


33. One of the factors that influences the debris'

flow is ....

A human activities

B. volcanic activity

C. water type

(D). rainfall

34. Who will be probably interested with the text


A. Linguist.

B. Scientist.

C. Biologist

(D). Geologist​

Penjelasan: hope thats helps!

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Last Update: Sun, 18 Jul 21