Berikut ini adalah pertanyaan dari chiosebas229 pada mata pelajaran B. inggris untuk jenjang Sekolah Menengah Pertama

IV. COMPLETE THE SENTENCES WITH THE VERBS IN BRACKETS IN THE PAST SIMPLE; 1. They-(take) the train to go to London. 2. She ---(ride) her bike under the rain. ----(make) pancakes for Shrove 3. They Tuesday. (come) alone to the party. -(buy) a new laptop last week. --(forget) the meeting last 4. She 5. I 6. We ---- Monday. 7. They 8. We-------- 9. My sister-- 10. They ---- 11. My brother 12. The baby------ 13. I 14. They 15. We----- 16. He -(go) to Madrid last year. -(drive) all the way to Paris. --(cut) herself doing DIY jobs. --(sleep) well all night. ------(get) a salary rise. --(fall) from her pram. --(meet) my new boss this morning. -(drink) too much alcohol. -(understand) the problems. --(lose) all his money. ISLCollective.combantu jawab besok di kumpulin olsssss​
IV. COMPLETE THE SENTENCES WITH THE VERBS IN BRACKETS IN THE PAST SIMPLE; 1. They-(take) the train to go to London. 2. She ---(ride) her bike under the rain. ----(make) pancakes for Shrove 3. They Tuesday. (come) alone to the party. -(buy) a new laptop last week. --(forget) the meeting last 4. She 5. I 6. We ---- Monday. 7. They 8. We-------- 9. My sister-- 10. They ---- 11. My brother 12. The baby------ 13. I 14. They 15. We----- 16. He -(go) to Madrid last year. -(drive) all the way to Paris. --(cut) herself doing DIY jobs. --(sleep) well all night. ------(get) a salary rise. --(fall) from her pram. --(meet) my new boss this morning. -(drink) too much alcohol. -(understand) the problems. --(lose) all his money. ISLCollective.com bantu jawab besok di kumpulin olsssss​

Jawaban dan Penjelasan

Berikut ini adalah pilihan jawaban terbaik dari pertanyaan diatas.


1. take-took

2. ride-rode

3. meke-made

4. come-came

5. buy-bought

6. forget-forgot

7. go-went

8. drive-drove

9. cut-cut

10. sleep-slept

11. get-got

12. fall-fell

13. meet-met

14. drink-drank

15. understand-understood

16. lose-lost


1. They took the train to go to London

2. She rode her bike under the rain

3. They made pancakes for Shrove Tuesday

4. She came alone to the party

5. I bought a new laptop last week

6. We forgot the meeting last Monday

7. They went to Madrid last year

8. We drove all the way to Paris

9. My sister cut herself doing DIY jobs

10. They slept well at night

11. My brother got a salary rise

12. The baby fell from the pram

13. I met my new boss this morning

14. They drank too much alcohol

15. We understood the problems

16. He lost all his money

Semoga dengan pertanyaan yang sudah terjawab oleh urfatsabita dapat membantu memudahkan mengerjakan soal, tugas dan PR sekolah kalian.

Apabila terdapat kesalahan dalam mengerjakan soal, silahkan koreksi jawaban dengan mengirimkan email ke www.yomemimo.com melalui halaman Contact

Last Update: Tue, 22 Nov 22