Tolongin wuyyyy My favorite teacher is Ms Harina Stones. She is

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Tolongin wuyyyyMy favorite teacher is Ms Harina Stones. She is a really caring and a good teacher. She is our class teacher. She comes to our class first and takes attendance. I love to stay attentive to her class. She is very charming and loving.She doesn’t yell at students at all. Her voice is soft and she teaches very well.

She is an English teacher. She explains everything very well. We do lots of fun in her class. Our day starts with so much joy and fun for her. She is a smiling lady always. In personal life, Ms Stones is married with a two-year old kid. Hany. I have met with Hany once. We all went to her home on Hany’s birthday.

1.What is the writer? Is she a student or a teacher?

2.Why does the writer like her teacher much?

3.Whom Ms Stones live with?

4.What subject does Ms Stone teach?

5. Why does the writer write the text?

Jawaban dan Penjelasan

Berikut ini adalah pilihan jawaban terbaik dari pertanyaan diatas.


1. the writer is a student

2. because her teacher is very charming and loving, she is a really caring and a good teacher, she doesn't yell at student at all. She takes attendance when she first comes to writer class

3. Ms Stones live with Hany

4. The subject of Ms Stone teach is English

5. The writer write the text because the writer favors his english teacher

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Last Update: Tue, 11 May 21