Change into negative and interrogative forms! 1. My father goes

Berikut ini adalah pertanyaan dari mithafaitha1946 pada mata pelajaran B. inggris untuk jenjang Sekolah Menengah Pertama

Change into negative and interrogative forms! 1. My father goes to office every day. 2.My mother cooks in the morning 3.I watch Tv everynight Make sentences of degree of comparison! 1.Adi gets 70 of science. Ida gets 80 of science. Irna gets 90 of science. .............. .............. 2.I am 40 kg of weight. Ina is 45 kg of weight. Meina is 50 of weight ............... ............... 3.Dayu is 140 cm tall. Dery is 145 cm tall. Desi is 150 cm tall .......... .......... Make 4 sentences of present continuous tense!!

Jawaban dan Penjelasan

Berikut ini adalah pilihan jawaban terbaik dari pertanyaan diatas.


A. Negative and interrogative forms (Simple Present Tense)


(+) Subject + V¹-s

(-) Subject + Don't/Doesn't +

(?) Do/Does + Subject + + ?

1. (-) My father doesn't go to office everyday.

(?) Does my father go to office everyday?

2. (-) My mother doesn't cook in the morning.

(?) Does my mother cook in the morning?

3. (-) I don't watch TV every night.

(?) Do I watch TV every night?

B. Sentences of degree of comparison (Comparative)


Syllables of 1-3 = Adjective + Er

Example = Tall Taller

Syllables of 4+ = More + Adjective

Example = Beautiful More Beautiful

! Everytime you make a sentence using comparative, make sure to use "than" after the adjective. !

1. Irna's score is higher than Adi and Meina's.

2. Meina is heavier than Ina and me.

3. Desi is taller than Dayu and Dery.

C. Make sentences using Present Continuous Tense


(+) Subject + To Be (is/am/are) + V¹-ing

(-) Subject + To Be (is/am/are)-not + -ing

(?) To Be (is/am/are) + Subject + -ing + ?

-She is eating cereal in the living room.

-He isn't playing in the garden.

-Delia is baking a cake in the kitchen.

-Mela and Ella aren't doing their homework.

»Semoga membantu ya!

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Last Update: Mon, 31 May 21