answer questions 9 to 12.Poytardis a popular job. It takes

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Answer questions 9 to 12.Poytardis a popular job. It takes a great responsibility to work as a doctor. Minor mistakes
There are a lot of jobs that doctors must do. They are expected to evaluate symptoms and
the a test to determine what is wrong with a patient. If a doctor does not know off handedly what
the diagnosis should be, it is his or har responsibility to do the necessary research Notes are kept on each patient to ensure that any medical professional can walk into a room
and know what has been done in the past. It is also a way to track the patients' progress during
Writing prescriptions is a major part of doctors' jobs. They must know how much medicine to
prescribe based on the patient's history; they also need to know how two drugs can interact with
A doctor needs to know not only treat the current conditions, but also how to advise
the patient on how to prevent another occurrence.

9. What is mainly discussed in the text above ?
The duties of a doctor
Getting a job as a doctor
Vacancy for a doctor position
d. The success of being a doctor
10. Why does a doctor keep a note on their
patients ?
a. To know how to prescribe certain drugs
to the patients
b. To track the patients' improvements and
C. To cure the patients' certain illnesses
d. To ensure the health of the patients
11. "It is also a way to track patients'.
(paragraph 3, line 8)
The synonym of the underlined word is ....
a.To follow
b. To pursue
C. To apprehend
d. To capture
12. What is the purpose of this text?
a. To practice the doctor's job
b. To explain the doctor's profession
c. To educate the doctors in their job
d. To describe a doctor's jobs and


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semoga membantu :D hehehehehe

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Last Update: Sun, 06 Jun 21