1. The tourist... the beauty of the Canyon from the

Berikut ini adalah pertanyaan dari dindanaylabadjlina pada mata pelajaran B. inggris untuk jenjang Sekolah Menengah Pertama

1. The tourist... the beauty of the Canyon from the bridge2. Sania is only five years, but she... very well. Her favorite books are animal stories.
3. The man is blind. He
4. We... and talk about the problem.
5. ... it easily because the teacher explained it clearly.
6. You... the door if you want more air.
7. There is an indoor swimming pool in the hotel. We... there.
8. Nadia got a serious fracture on her leg bone, She....
9. Isang a lot last night. I lost my voice. I. now.
10. I am very busy right now. I... to the party. ​

Jawaban dan Penjelasan

Berikut ini adalah pilihan jawaban terbaik dari pertanyaan diatas.


1. The tourist see the beauty of the Canyon from the bridge

2. Sania is only five years, but she read very well. Her favorite books are animal stories.

3. The man is blind. He can't see

4. We will discuss and talk about the problem.

5. we understand it easily because the teacher explained it clearly.

6. You can open the door if you want more air.

7. There is an indoor swimming pool in the hotel. We will go there.

8. Nadia got a serious fracture on her leg bone, She can't walk until her legs heal

9. Isang a lot last night. I lost my voice. now I can't speak

10. I am very busy right now. I will not go to the party.

semoga membantu

Semoga dengan pertanyaan yang sudah terjawab oleh tyan54 dapat membantu memudahkan mengerjakan soal, tugas dan PR sekolah kalian.

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Last Update: Sat, 12 Nov 22