Choose the correct answer!1.Andin: " Could I borrow your pencil?

Berikut ini adalah pertanyaan dari muhammadalif40 pada mata pelajaran B. inggris untuk jenjang Sekolah Menengah Pertama

Choose the correct answer!1.Andin: " Could I borrow your pencil?

Al. : ...........

A. You are welcome

B. Of course

C yes ,it is

D. Thank you

2. The floor is dirty .your mother says.......

A. Sweep the floor!

B.wash the floor!

C. Water the floor!

D. Mop the floor!

3. .......! The baby is sleeping

A. Don't be noisy

B. Don't be lazy

C. Don't be angry

D. Don't be silent

4. It is hot .Turn on the.....

A. Television

B. Lamp

C. Fan

D. Radio

5. Vita is sick.She have Togo to......

A. The nurse

B. The teacher

C.the doctor

D. The police

6. The capital City of west Java is....

A. Surabaya


C. Bandung

D. Jakarta

7. I buy some medicine at the........

A. Drug store

B. Butcher

C. Herbalist

D. Vendor

8.Throw rubbish into the...!

A. Dustbin

B. River



Jawaban dan Penjelasan

Berikut ini adalah pilihan jawaban terbaik dari pertanyaan diatas.


  1. b. of course
  2. a. sweep the floor
  3. a. don't be noisy
  4. c. fan
  5. c. the doctor
  6. c. Bandung
  7. a. drug store
  8. a. dustbin

semoga membantu, semangat belajarnya, maaf kalau ada salah ::)

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Last Update: Mon, 14 Jun 21