fellow teachers, to make questions for thetests, to prepare the

Berikut ini adalah pertanyaan dari arskhn3018 pada mata pelajaran B. inggris untuk jenjang Sekolah Menengah Pertama

Fellow teachers, to make questions for thetests, to prepare the materials for her next
classes, or to check her student's work.
Ms Irish is a good teacher. She
teaches in a fun and interesting way.
On Sundays, she usually teaches basic
English vocabularies to the children in her
neighbourhood for free.
7. What is Ms Irish?
a. A student
C. A teacher
b. A lecturer
d. A librarian
8. When does Ms Irish arrive at school?
a. At six thirty C. At six forty
b. At six o'clock d. "At six fifty
9. How many classes does Miss Irish
teach every day?
C. Three
b. Two
d. Four
10. What does Ms Irish usually do to spend her time at school?
a. Eating at the canteen
b. Jogging in the yard
C. Sleeping at the library
d.Preparing the materials
11. The third paragraph tells that Ms Irish
is a ... HOTS
a.diligent woman
b. dedicated woman
d.busy woman

Jawaban dan Penjelasan

Berikut ini adalah pilihan jawaban terbaik dari pertanyaan diatas.





Yang lain bukan gaktau tapi teks kamu tulis ga nyampe ke pilgan lain,lain kali tulis semua/foto aja ya:)

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Last Update: Tue, 29 Jun 21